Building A Book 01 - A Story

This series of article rambles about the book I’ve written, Building Your Mouseless Development Environment.
- Building A Book 01 - A Story
- Building A Book 02 - Interest, Passion, and Work
- Building A Book 03 - Idea and Maturation
- Building A Book 04 - Fear and Success
- Building A Book 05 - Strategy
- Building A Book 06 - Marketing
- Building A Book 07 - Fun, Fear, Pain, and Accomplishment
Me, Matthieu, Developer Extraordinaire, I’ve written a book!
It’s called Building Your Mouseless Development Environment. What? If I made a lot of money out of it? Well, not really. That was not the purpose, even if I’m happy to get some gold coins for my hard work.
What was the purpose, then?
That’s exactly what I’ll try to explore in this series of articles, or essays, or ugly piece of garbage, depending on your taste. At least you’re here, so I’ve got your attention, somehow. Hope I can keep it!
I’ll also speak about every aspect of this book, from the will to write it to the publication. I’ll share my thinking, my difficulties, and the life of my grandma. I know, you can’t wait to read it all! How exciting!
It will be a tale about creativity, motivation, perseverance, and other cool stuff. You’ll cry, I tell you. A lot.
What? Yeah, I get it. I know. It’s not incredible to write a book. Everybody does that nowadays. Writing a couple of pages, packaging them in a PDF, and BAM! You’ve a book. What’s difficult in doing that? You can now put on your branding page “New York Time Best Seller, Author And Speaker, And Writer, And Look At My Picture I’m Speaking At A Conference, And I Need Your Money Or At Least Your Full Attention For My Clickbait Articles Please”.
Writing a damn book is still something I’m very proud of. And while writing it, I’ve been reading other authors speaking about their writing experience. Totally meta. It also inspired me greatly. That’s what I’m trying to do here: bring my own experience on the table, to inform and inspire.
Everybody can write a book. Everybody. But the path to success is quite counter-intuitive. Like many things in life, especially stretching some butter on a crispbread without breaking it.
Success? Did I get some success writing this book? Plenty of it. A whole gallon. Maybe more. But… did I also just said that I didn’t get so much money out of it? What success am I talking about, then? Love? Glory? Happiness? Car? House? Keyboard?
That’s a very good question indeed.